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a gentle singing voice leads the way. | 優しい歌声に導かれて… |
from what is flowing down, the pure white tears, being blown away by the wind... into time they slash through | 流れ落ちる真っ白な涙が風に吹かれ時を刻む |
what is seen by me, impurity that's gone unknown to those eyes | 僕を見る汚れを知らない瞳は |
endessly stretching, everywhere around, the endless land of the earth reflected | 果てしなくどこまでも続く大地を映し |
those delicate fingers, all of what i had forgotten, these marks left behind by tears traced by them.. | 小さな指で忘れていた僕の涙の跡をなぞる |
your fragile and crystal clear voice, by it, i'm still not being let go. | 君の細く透き通る声が僕を離さない |
i, here, in this place still here to stay.. that can't be allowed to happen... | 僕がここに居続けることは出来ないのに… |
these dripping tears all falling down are.. the words of a farewell uttered. | こぼれ落ちる涙はお別れの言葉 |
nothing else left to ask, just only up against my heart, this hand is placed, and your smile comes back to me. | 何も聞かず、ただ僕の胸に手を当て微笑みを浮かべ |
your cheek, a kiss is left there... i will never be able to forget you, | 君の頬に口づけを… 僕は君を忘れない |
more, tighter, i will hold you | もっと強く抱き締めて |
but i, to the sky, will soon return again | 僕が空に帰るまで |
your fragile and crystal clear voice, by it, i'm still not being let go. | 君の細く透き通る声が僕を離さない |
more, tighter, i will hold you | もっと強く抱き締めて |
i will not disappear if so... | 僕が消えないように… |
i will not disappear if so... | 僕が消えないように… |