~a broken piece of recollection~


en ja
my thoughts are having their state increasingly sloping and a spiral of darkness it goes into.僕の思考は次第に勾配を増す闇の螺旋の中に
a broken and shattered sky, falling into it.砕け散り空へと落ちていく
further, as i am dancing through this uncertain heart's crevices, words still being scoured for by me,深く戸惑う心の隙間を舞ながら言葉を探して
my sins are now yet again, once more, beginning.僕の罪がまた始まる
smiling with each other, the faded form shows that on its face, revealing it.微笑み合いぼやけていく姿だけ浮かべて
all so speedily, what is passing by are the words i can't even see.足早に通り過ぎる言葉さあ見えない
for just a bit, just holding this sky of lies.少しだけ抱きしめた嘘の空を
broken pieces of recollection, into a dark grey they each fade into. my body, silently screaming while trembling追憶の欠片はにび色に霞んでいく無言の悲鳴に身を震わせる
once somehow it all meets its end, faded memories only will be held, and that sky, i am going to fall into.何かの終わりと色褪せた記憶だけ抱えてあの空へ落ちていく
nobody is able to stop me... i am going to fall.誰も止められない… 僕が落ちていく
for just a bit longer only, right now, because i was so caught up.ほんの少しだけ今を抱きしめたから
like an extinguishing candle, a slumber i am falling into.消えかけの蝋燭のように眠りに落ちた
for any signs of old light that is being given off, i am listening.古い瞬きが光を放つのに耳をたてる
tell me, tell me, tell...tell me, tell me, tell...
for just a bit, just holding this sky of lies.少しだけ抱きしめた嘘の空を
nobody up until now, all the tragedies i've committed are unknown to them. morals all start to fade away.誰も今までの惨烈な軌跡など知らない道徳がぼやけていく
"people" misrepresented me, by me, the rich darkness's shades that these fingers of mine have been promised to are traced by them.「人」と詐称する僕は豊かな黒い色彩を契れた指でなぞり合う
broken pieces of recollection, into a dark grey they each fade into. my body, silently screaming while trembling追憶の欠片はにび色に霞んでいく無言の悲鳴に身を震わせる
once somehow it all meets its end, faded memories only will be held, and that sky, i am now falling into.何かの終わりと色褪せた記憶だけ抱えてあの空へ落ちていく
nobody is able to stop me... i am now falling.誰も止められない… 僕が落ちていく
nobody is able to stop me... to the sky, i am now falling.誰も止められない… 空に落ちていく
nobody is able to stop me... with you, i am now falling.誰も止められない… 君と落ちていく
for just a bit longer only, right now, because i was so caught up.ほんの少しだけ今を抱きしめたから